My favorite memory of Chelsea might be her sitting behind the daycare desk on her break eating a big box of McDonald’s chicken nuggets while she was pregnant with Kole. I was pregnant with Lana at the time, so I understood. We love this family and love Kole and Lincoln – they’re so sweet together. Kole was born the same week as Lana friends since the infant room and we have been able to do a few photoshoots even since Lincoln was born so I can make him love me and my camera.
We met up at Sharon Woods Metro Park for a session to capture all that life is in this season for them. If you’re interested in hearing a little of Linc’s story, Chelsea is writing it out beautifully on social media.
Lana came along to be my assistant and when the night ends with happy kids playing in the dirt, you know it was a good night. Thanks for hanging out with me, Jones fam.