kickin' it with the cool kids who had
nowhere to sit at lunch and started taking
over the world, one lunch table at a time.

The Brand Sessions: Moved By You Videography


This is my favorite part about the creative entrepreneur space – watching friends I knew in high school, college or during the days of Camp Shiloh realizing they were created to create and begin leaning into that gift, away from their traditional career tracks.

Ashley and I met in college, you’ve heard the story. She was a Residence Hall Director and still on that track when I graduated and soon after having her daughter McKenzie decided to take the leap, chase a dream and start her videography business. If you’ve seen her work you’d agree – an AMAZING decision.

Like booked out right away amazing decision.

We’ve worked with Mark and Ashley shooting weddings (BEST TEAM EVER), had board games going while the kids chase each other and kept our long-distance friendship alive since 2011-ish.

Our content session for her spankin’ new website was the best, more on that project to come, for now, enjoy some cool action shots of Ashley work – I can verify ground shots do in fact happen.

P.S. If you’re in the Central New York area getting married soon, look her up!

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